Six years after his first solo show, Terry Richardson is back in the spotlight at the Perrotin gallery, rue de Turenne. Known for creating arrogant advertising campaigns for YSL, Levi's and Tom Ford, the American photographer remains faithful to his style.
In 2015, however, his bare impudent flair that once shocked his audience has now become old fashioned and no longer induces a shock from his audience but a smirk instead.
Cardboard characters, verbal sequences, photographic triptychs, all mediums are led to deliver the artistic message that art is the duality or rather the opposition: sacred vs sin, hence the name of the exhibition 'The Sacred and The Profane'. Without any philosophical content, the exhibition is the result of ordinary images such as "bitch & god” directed at a wide audience that are very enthusiastic at the idea of being photographed in Miley Cyrus or in Terry Richardson’s case, naked, of course.
To complete this banal panorama of exposed pussies of all kind and clichés ' Jesus is watching you ‘ juxtaposed, Terry's posters preach the good word making very vulgar and thetic sentences such as ' You are not alone ' or ' Everything is gonna be ok ‘. Annoying. Fortunately, on the ground floor of the gallery is the second exhibition 'Music' by Xavier Veilhan to recover.